How to: Setting Up Hot-Reload Development Environment in Rails 5 Using Guard

January 26, 2020 / 15 min read


Developing Web Apps with Rails is fun, but having to refresh the browser every time we make a change to our html or markup can be a pain. Luckily the guard-livereload gem exists and the configuration is quite straightforward, so if you're running Rails versions 5.4 to, this guide is for you.

  1. Add gems to development

    group :development do
      gem 'guard-livereload', '~> 2.5', require: false
      gem 'rack-livereload'
  2. bundle install

  3. Tell Guard to setup your guard file for livereload guard init livereload

  4. Then add the middleware to the bottom of your Rails middleware stack by editing your config/environments/development.rb.

    MyApp::Application.configure do
      config.middleware.insert_after ActionDispatch::Static, Rack::LiveReload
  5. Run livereload from terminal bundle exec guard -P livereload

  6. Now while running, every time guard detects a file change, rails will automatically refresh the browser so you can see your changes on every save.

Thanks for reading! 👋

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